
Why rhizOHM.co?

Aaron Sun Camacho


Who Are You?

My name is Aaron Sun Camacho.

In 1991 I began my journey into holistic health, spirituality, and self-employment with a higher purpose than simply making a profit.

What is this?

I created this website (and more importantly, this business model) as a demonstration of how I think businesses should be run, who should run them, and who should get paid.

Why is it important?

Because this is a chance for all of us (AllLoveUs) to turn a dream into a reality, a chance to be entrepreneurs instead of wage slaves, a chance to be - and to help others - be healthy, in all ways (always).

How does it work?

rhizOHM product selection will be democratically controlled by all of it's customers and employees. Prices will be at or below the MSRP (Manufacture's Suggested Retail Price) and competitive with the local market.

rhizOHM will pay me, as Founding Member and Manager, only up to 3 times the Living Wage, and all of it's Employees at least 1.5 times the Living Wage at the least. This will be a 2:1 income ratio between Executive and Employee NOT a 100:1 ratio like most corporations. All of the company's accounting will be available for review by all employees/customers.

All surplus revenue will either be distributed back to each customer (proportionate to their total spending for the preceding time period) or donated to charitie(s) - as decided by the current customers.

After the company is economically and organizationally sustainable*, I will convert the company into a Consumer/Worker Owned Cooperative and distribute shares equally to each existing and current customer/worker. This will effectively transfer ownership of the company making me just one of the voting Owners (just like you!).

What will We sell?

rhizOHM.co Distribution Empowers You to have access to the Plants, Minerals, Vitamins, Amino Acids, Oils, and Extracts that all Humans need.

By joining our team, You will have a direct say in the selection of items we distribute and be compensated for all purchases referred by you, or your friends, or their friends** all the way to the 4th level.

Make money with rhizOHM Distributions in two different ways:


Simply use the links, banners, and exclusive phone number we provide to tell people to get their products from rhizOHM.co and receive a commission on every sale generated by your direct referral AND every single sale generated by any other Affiliate who becomes an Affiliate by your referral - up to 4 levels deep!


Simply buy items from us at deeply discounted wholesale prices and then sell them to people at the MSRP.

What's next?

Please go to our main website for Affiliate Signup and Wholesale Inquiries:



* Sustainability is defined as when the business' profit is able to cover 3 x the living wage for all management positions and 1.5 x the living wage for all employee positions for 2 years in a row.

​** 4 Levels Deep is in reference to the utilization of a multi-tiered direct marketing/selling business plan. In this system, all products are sourced from, and sold by, rhizOHM.co - but all marketing is done by the customers themselves (or others who believe in this vision). Whenever a person referred by you or referred by someone you referred (4 levels out from you) makes a purchase you will be compensated with a commission.

DISCLAIMER: This website is not intended to be, and should not be interpreted to be, an offer to "invest" with the intention of making a "profit", nor as a "business opportunity". The goal of this project is to provide a way for people to help themselves while helping others do the same. The fact that you will be compensated is only intended to be a side-effect and not a goal. You are not buying a "share", "equity", "security", or any other "negotiable instrument".

​I, Aaron Sun Camacho, the author of this website and originator of this business plan, intend to give back to those who participate in the success of this plan at my sole-discretion and as agreed as an expression of my good will and according to law - to the best of my ability.


rhizOHM.co is headquartered in Eugene OR.

Phone: (+1) 844.rhizOHM ext. 800 Email: admin@rhizOHM.co

1292 High St #1016, 97401-3238

Orders Accepted:



By Phone

10 am to 10 pm (PT)

By Email

